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En Nicaragua,  es obligatoria hasta los 11 años, lo que significa que la educación secundaria es un lujo que muchos niños no pueden permitirse. La mayoría de los estudiantes terminan interrumpiendo sus estudios después del sexto grado debido a la falta de recursos y financiación. Para ayudar a estos niños a llevar una vida exitosa, Building New Hope ofrece becas para que los estudiantes motivados asistan a la escuela secundaria y reciban una educación de calidad.

¡Únase a nosotros hoy para ayudar a estos niños a lograr el éxito educativo!


  • How is sponsorship money used?
    In order for the money to be used effectively for the benefit of the students, the money donated by the sponsors is pooled in a collective fund. This allows us to not only provide for your specific sponsored child, but to help all children as a whole, even those who may not have a sponsor.
  • What does each sponsored child receive?
    With a monthly sponsorship of $ 35, each sponsored child will receive a school scholarship that covers the cost of matriculation to school along with tuition, a backpack with school supplies, a uniform, and transportation. (This is broken down into a monthly fee for monthly donors.) If your sponsorship is a one-time donation, you can choose to donate $ 269 for the cost of matriculation and tuition, or $ 35 for a backpack with school supplies or $ 30 for a uniform.
  • Can I check on my sponsored student's progress at school?
    As a sponsor, you will receive an annual update that indicates your student's participation and progress in school. These are provided only as progress updates to demonstrate the student's continued participation in school. They are not intended for sponsors to assess their students' weaknesses or areas that need improvement. It is of the utmost importance that these students are encouraged to continue to achieve in their classes!

Photo: Clody Cornejo



María José.png
María José

María is 13 years old and in 7th grade.

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María Fernanda

María is 13 years old and in 8th grade.

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José Armando

José is 14 years old and in 9th grade.

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Isaac Emmanuel

Isaac is 13 years old and in 8th grade.

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Deyfitz Alexander

Deyfitz  is 14 years old and in 9th grade.

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Diana de los Angeles

Diana is 13 years old and in 7th grade.

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Axel Danilo

Axel is 13 years old and in 8th grade.

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Génesis Guadalupe

Génesis is 14 years old and in 9th grade.

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Nayeli Scarleth

Nayeli is 14 years old and in 9th grade.

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Esther Amalia

Esther is 14 years old and in 9th grade.

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Orlando Fabricio

Orlando is 15 years old and in 10th grade.

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Jocelyn Valentina

Jocelyn is 16 years old and in 11th grade.

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Ximena Auxiliadora

Ximena is 19 years old and in 11th grade.

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Alejandra Paola

Alejandra is 17 years old and in 11th grade.


Andy is 17 years old and in 11th grade.

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Braulio José

Braulio is 18 years old and in technical school in Granada.

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Bosco Antonio

Bosco is 16 years old and in technical school in Granada.

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Jordany David

Jordany is in his first year of technical school in Granada.


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With a monthly donation of $35, you can sponsor one of the students above as they further their education and keep in touch with them through encouraging letters.


A one-time donation of $269 would fully fund a high school scholarship for one of the students above.


You can also donate money in any amount directly toward the education of these children, whether it be for additional supplies, activities, or students who may not have a sponsor.


An encouraging letter of support to one of these students can make a world of a difference and motivate them to continue working hard!


  • Para proteger la privacidad de los niños y sus familias, no se debe hacer contacto director con los estudiantes excepto a través de Building New Hope. No le pida a un estudiante ninguna información de contacto personal.

  • Los patrocinios se renovarán automáticamente anualmente hasta que el niño se gradúe de la escuela. 

  • Si, por alguna razón, desea detener su patrocinio, contáctenos por correo electrónico a: para que podamos cancelar su patrocinio y buscar rápidamente un nuevo patrocinador para el estudiante.

  • Building New Hope se reserva el derecho de restringir o descontinuar su patrocinio si sospechamos de un comportamiento inapropiado o acciones que no se alinean con nuestros valores.

¡Obtenga más información!

¡Gracias por enviarnos!

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