Host a Coffee Fundraiser
Raise money for your own cause or trip while making a difference for a community in
need! Organize a Building New Hope coffee fundraiser for your school, place of worship, club,
or community group.
Fundraising with Building New Hope coffee is socially responsible, environmentally friendly,
and educational. Not only can we provide you with a great fundraiser, we can connect you with
your coffee farmer and roaster. Let us know if you’d like a presentation or more information
about fair trade and how people and the environment benefit, how bird-friendly coffee preserves
important tropical habitat for migrating birds, or about life in rural El Porvenir, Nicaragua where
funds from the sale of the coffee provide education opportunities for students.
We are pleased to offer certified organic, shade-grown and certified bird- friendly by
Smithsonian, fair and direct trade coffee. Our medium and dark roasted beans are single-source
and come from El Porvenir in Nicaragua, a worker-owned farming cooperative we’ve
partnered with since 2002. Our decaf is certified organic and fair trade and is decaffeinated using
a chemical-free Swiss water process and is sourced from cooperatives in Latin America.